
one thing that I have found very useful for catching platform problems 
is to always build GeoTools and GeoServer in a path with spaces. I 
always build locally and on my buildbot in a path with spaces. I think 
Andrea does the same in his Win32 Hudson instances.

Would you consider changing the working directory for your Hudson 
instances to include spaces?

For example at the moment you have:


If you changed this to:

/home/hudson/jobs/geoserver-2.0.x-OPEN-JDK-6-32-Bit/workspace with 

then we would have a great deal more coverage for the correct handling 
of encoded URLs such as:


This comes up all the time in Windows builds and also Windows 
deployments under C:\Program Files or C:\Documents and Settings. I have 
found that, if spaces are correctly handled, most other characters are 
as well. These are a common cause of strange platform problems. Not all 
problems will be covered (Windows network shares are a problem too), but 
this is an easy way for us to improve coverage at little extra cost.

If you could make this change, I am sure that it would be much 
appreciated by all those who develop on or deploy to Windows.

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer, CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre
26 Dick Perry Ave, Kensington WA 6151, Australia

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