
do you know if the version of EMF we are using (ecore-2.2.2 and 
xsd-2.2.2) even support the <any/> element as a content model? If so, 
how should it appear in the XSDTypeDefinition? Florence reports seeing 
no elements in the EMF model of the parsed schema.

Kind regards,

On 12/05/10 22:31, Justin Deoliveira wrote:
> It is tough to say but doubtful. Either XSAnyTypeBinding would have to
> able to return properties from generic objects (which it does not), or
> an application schema woudl have to extend AnyOrReferenceType to
> restrict the content to some other type that the encoder does know how
> to encode. So yeah, almost certainly I would think this would not be
> handled out of the box.
> How do you represent such an object in the geotools feature model? Once
> you have some way of representing these things I think you will have to
> implement a special binding for it that can handle all cases. Sort of
> the same way the AbstractFeatureType bindings work.
> Hope that helps.
> -Justin
> On 10-05-11 11:15 PM, florence....@csiro.au wrote:
>> Hi Justin,
>> Do you expect Encoder to be able to encode complexType (defined in an
>> application schema) like this :
>> <complexType name="AnyOrReferenceType">
>> <sequence minOccurs="0">
>> <any/>
>> </sequence>
>> <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
>> </complexType>
>> Regards,
>> Florence

Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben.caradoc-dav...@csiro.au>
Software Engineering Team Leader
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre


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