Thanks, Justin. My patch was not expected to fix the 
SecondaryNamespaceExceptionTest failure.

I recall that SecondaryNamespaceExceptionTest tests that an exception is 
thrown if secondary namespaces are not defined (null). Once the external 
xerces 2.7 is removed (in favour of the internal xerces 2.6), the null 
namespace prefixes are simply passed through, resulting in an invalid 
response. The test failure alerts us to the change.

I think this test was originally written by Victor. Rini is the 
app-schema component lead and should be able to determine whether this 
new behaviour is aceptable.

Kind regards,

On 30/01/13 12:02, Justin Deoliveira wrote:
> Hey Ben,
> So I rebased the xmlnodeps branch against the latest on master and i am
> still having the same failure with the SecondaryNamespaceExceptionTest.
> I pushed up newly rebased branches to my repos.
> -Justin
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies
> < <>> wrote:
>     Thanks, Justin.
>     The gt-app-schema-resolver Xerces dependency you found is resolved
>     in the pull request linked below. This patch is against your
>     noxmldeps branch; everything works when it is applied, except that
>     xmlcodegen does not build (I commented it out while testing), and
>     one unit test failure in GeoServer app-schema-test, which you should
>     be able to reproduce when you build GeoServer against your noxmldeps
>     branch. See:
>     <>
>     I removed the GeoServer app-schema Xalan dependency late last year:
>     <>
>     <>
>     Kind regards,
>     Ben.
>     On 22/01/13 22:57, Justin Deoliveira wrote:
>         Hey Ben,
>         Wasn't waiting explicitly, this sort of just fell off in light
>         of other
>         things to do. I will try this week to resurrect this. As I
>         understand it
>         the app-schema issues have been resolved now?
>         -Justin
>         On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 7:03 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies
>         <
>         <
>         <>>> wrote:
>              Justin,
>              at Monday's meeting we were wondering if you have had time to
>              progress the removal of (external) Xerces dependencies. My
>              understanding is that you were pretty close. Or are you waiting
>              until after this release cycle?
>              Kind regards,
>              Ben.
>              On 02/11/12 15:43, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
>                  Justin,
>                  I ported AppSchemaValidator to use EntityResolver2,
>         required for
>                  relative schema locations:
>         <>
>         <
>         <>>
>                  Note that xmlcodegen still fails to build (I commented
>         it out
>                  for testing).
>                  With noxmldeps GeoTools, there is a unit test failure
>         in GeoServer
>                  (app-schema-test SecondaryNamespaceExceptionTes____t).
>         Looks like
>                  a side
>                  effect of your dexercesification is that undefined
>         namespace
>                  prefixes
>                  (null:) are now passed through the GML32OutputFormat
>         XSLT rather
>                  that
>                  causing an ows:ExceptionReport. Not sure why. I also
>         needed to
>                  remove
>                  the xerces dependencies in the release module.
>                  Nice work! You are pretty close.
>                  Now just that pesky Xalan (app-schema GeoServer plugin, so
>                  off-topic).
>                  Any XSLT gurus willing to help backport to Xalan 2.6
>         (in the JDK)?
>         <>
>         <
>         <>>
>                  Kind regards,
>                  Ben.
>                  On 23/10/12 08:29, Justin Deoliveira wrote:
>                      Hi all,
>                      So I recently I took a crack at removing the xerces
>                      dependency as we
>                      discussed in our last skype meeting. For the most
>         part this was
>                      relatively straight forward. Unfortunately one thing i
>                      wasn't quite able
>                      to figure out was some stuff in app-schema-resolver
>         module. The
>                      AppSchemaValidator class uses an implementation of what
>                      was XMLEntityResolver directly in xerces. I tried
>         porting
>                      this to the
>                      jaxp EntityResolver interface which is included in
>         the JDK,
>                      but couldn't
>                      make it work. So I think i will need some help
>         there. Or we
>                      can simply
>                      keep xerces as a dependency of just app-schema.
>                      Here is the branch I am currently working on.
>         <>
>         <
>         <>>
>                      And the corresponding geoserver branch:
>         <>
>         <
>         <>>
>                      WIth these changes all unit tests pass in both code
>         bases,
>                      and so do the
>                      GeoServer cite tests.
>                      -Justin
>                      --
>                      Justin Deoliveira
>                      OpenGeo -
>                      Enterprise support for open source geospatial.
>              --
>              Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
>              Software Engineer
>              CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
>              Australian Resources Research Centre
>         --
>         Justin Deoliveira
>         OpenGeo -
>         Enterprise support for open source geospatial.
>     --
>     Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
>     Software Engineer
>     CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
>     Australian Resources Research Centre
> --
> Justin Deoliveira
> OpenGeo -
> Enterprise support for open source geospatial.

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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