Thanks Chris for your questions.

I'm interested to learn more about image sources as it would complement my 
experience in database sources (JDBCC) such as Oracle and PostgreSQL. Keen to 
get my teeth in the DB2 module also.

My more immediate areas of interest are around the build process. Upgrading 
dependencies, plugins. Full support for Maven3 and JDK7.

Documentation needs attention also.

PR#208 is one I have submitted that has been sitting around for a while. PR#217 
and PR#18 submitted by others seems good. I have a concern that PR#217 might 
break backwards compatibility.


From: [] On Behalf Of Chris 
Sent: Wednesday, 26 June 2013 1:17 PM
To: Brett Walker
Subject: Re: [Geotools-devel] Pull Request Policy

Welcome Brett!

As you can tell we get too many requests from people who aren't actually 
interested in joining up and helping out. When I first read your message I 
actually suspected you might be up for contributing, but I can see how it was 
ambiguous. Would have been good to mention the pull request you made, since it 
looks like a couple core devs were excited about it. I'm glad you're up for the 
gift economy that is open source.

I think our unofficial rule is (or at least was, it's been way too long since 
I've committed to GeoTools) to have at least two or three solid, reasonably 
sized patches before commit access. I see your PR at, would be good to link to the 
patches you've done in the past.

But now that everyone knows you're interested in becoming a committer and 
helping out I'd guess someone will be inclined to review your PR much sooner. 
So I'd say just poke people on your PR's, with offers to help out on issues 
they wish were done. And when you make new PR's just poke the list with what 
it's about.

Sounds like you have great experience for GeoTools though, so will be really 
great to have you aboard. I'm also curious about what areas of GeoTools you're 
interested in. Is it just the parts you have experience in? Or are there newer 
topics you're interested in diving in to? There are definitely some key areas 
of GeoTools where we only have one or two expert, so would be great if you're 
interested in some of those.


On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Brett Walker 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Jody,

I take this as an invitation to request commit access. May I have commit access 

A bit about myself.

My name is Brett Walker from Hobart, Tasmania. I work for Geometry 
( that has an expertise in spatial applications, for 
nearly 10 years. I have be a using Java, much longer, almost twenty years. And 
I have experience with other languages such as assembly, C/C++ & .NET.

Geometry developed a product called Exposure that is very similar to GeoServer. 
Our reliance on Exposure for spatial solution has diminished as Geometry has 
turned towards GeoServer and Geotools for providing solutions.  I have 
contributed small patches to GeoTools in the past.

I have had exposure to a number of Web Service Technologies and various 
Database technologies, particular Oracle and PostgreSQL.

I would be helping GeoTools outside of company time and not constrained by 
copyright/licence agreements with Geometry. I have no agenda driven by company 
needs or other concerns.

This is an offer of assistance in the spirit of the Open Source community. I 
want to help. I would like to be come just a committer and, not at the moment, 
have additional responsibilities such as a module maintainer.

GeoTools is a large body of work. I have lots to learn but am very willing.

While this is brief, I am open to further queries.

Please consider my request for commit access,

-----Original Message-----
From: Jody Garnett 
Sent: Wednesday, 26 June 2013 8:09 AM
To: Brett Walker
Cc: Geotools-Devel list
Subject: Re: [Geotools-devel] Pull Request Policy

Same as a patch in Jira - should have a test case, subject to volunteer time, 

Pull request coming in via our change control procedure are planned during our 
bi-weekly meeting, and in the case of GeoSolutions API change the subject of 
scheduling. In this case geotools is entering lockdown shortly, so as a 
volunteer I want to see any API changed done *now* so it does not wait 6 months.

We have a small number of active participants, if your organization needs more 
timely service consider taking part in the project (as a module maintainer or 
obtaining commit access). Some groups that have restrictions on programming in 
public go the commercial support option.

We're there any pull requests in particular you were concerned with?

Jody Garnett

On 26/06/2013, at 7:39 AM, Brett Walker 
<<>> wrote:

> Hi,
> What is the policy/procedure/expectation for pull requests that have been 
> submitted for more than a couple of weeks?
> There are a number of pull requests that have been sitting 'dormant' for a 
> while. Do they sit forever open with no feedback, or should they be closed, 
> with comment, if not found suitable.
> It seems that pull requests from developers with commit access have 
> preference with daylight second.
> Ignoring worthwhile patches could appear to give the cold shoulder to the 
> wider community.
> Your thoughts please,
> Brett
> Sent from my iPad
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