
Can you give me any suggestions on how we move forward with your list?
Specifically Item #2 and Item #3? I'm willing to update the developer's
guide, but I struggled to figure out how to edit the wiki. I kept getting
lost in CodeHaus web pages.


On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 8:40 PM, Jody Garnett <>wrote:

> Well I think there are two steps to be done:
> 1. update the pom.xml for unsupported/pom.xml with your contact details
> 2. ensure you have commit access and are in a position to help tie modules
> into the build
> 3. update the developers guide section on how unsupported modules go down
> 4. make a blog post linking to the above
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On 21 October 2013 at 1:39:39 PM, Landon Blake (
> <//>) wrote:
> Thanks for all of the support and comments. Is any action needed to make
> this official? If not...I'll stay tuned to the mailing list to listen for
> potential contributors that might need help. Id also like to document
> somewhere online that this help is available for potential contributors.
> Does anyone have suggestions on the best place for this?
> Landon
> On Oct 17, 2013 9:44 PM, "Jody Garnett" <> wrote:
>>  I like where you are coming from Landon, I tried to help with a round
>> of docs (but would really like to see content datastore finished).
>>  One of the most smooth summer of code experiences I had was talking a
>> group of students through the udig and geotools tutorials using a google
>> hangout session to go over any troubles from last time.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>> On 12 October 2013 at 4:08:00 AM, Landon Blake (
>> <//>) wrote:
>>   I wanted to contact the GeoTools programming community about some
>> ideas I had about making it easier for new programmers to contribute new
>> unsupported modules to GeoTools. These ideas came from my involvement with
>> Julian on the Summer of Code Project.
>> I'm an experienced Java programmer with lots of time using version
>> control systemns like CVS and SVN. Despite this, it was a huge challenge to
>> learn both Git and Maven in order to contribute to GeoTools. Under normal
>> circumstances, I wouldn't have been worth the effort to me. I suspect the
>> same thing is true of other programmers that might otherwise contribute to
>> GeoTools.
>> What do you think about having GeoTools appoint an Unsupported Module
>> Mentor? This person could assist new GeoTools contributors in a number of
>> ways. This might include accepting source code contributions for new
>> modules, updating this source code when there has been changes, and
>> creating the pull requests for the changes to the unsupported modules in
>> GitHub.
>> In essence, the mentor would serve as a code gateway for programmers that
>> want to make modest contributions to GeoTools, but that don't want to
>> invest in setting up Git, GitHub and Maven for what might be a minor amount
>> of code. The metnor would try to shepherd unsupported modules to supported
>> status.
>> Let me know your thoughts. If this idea has merit, I'd be willing to
>> serve as the first Unsupported Module Mentor. In this way, other potential
>> GeoTools contributors could benefit from my pain this past summer. :]
>> If the community decides this is a horrible idea, I will not get hurt
>> feelings. :]
>> Landon
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