On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 4:43 PM, Niels Charlier <ni...@scitus.be> wrote:

> On 24-06-16 15:36, Andrea Aime wrote:
> I believe I sent you a list of mapserver and tinyows servers that were
> buggy vs the WFS spec and that the wfs store was
> configurable to work with anyways (as you may imagine, going to the server
> owner and asking for an upgrade or a different
> interpretation of the specs almost never works... especially if they
> already have apps built on top of it, with their current behavior).
> Do you still have the links? It's been so much time...
> I don't recall this list. I do remember this:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/geotools/mailman/message/32457750/
> where we discussed mapserver/tinyows supported and ported additional
> functionality tests for these servers from wfs to wfs-ng.
> This is the last thing I can find about it in my mailbox. Do you recall
> where this information came from or with what medium you sent it to me?

Hmm... dunno, I definitely intended to send them, but it could be that I
did not after all.
Anyways, I've found again the links to the caps documents of the mapserver
and a tinyows in question... no idea if the problems are still there, years
have passed by and the servers might have been upgraded in the meantime:

MapServer WFS:

I believe something changed, the mapserver one is now a 7.0, it was not
even released back then.
Anyways, they should still be two good tests against other WFS
implementations. I never managed to find the time and do the test myself,

Are there additional issues apart from the naming issue or the ones in
> JIRA? I have successfully made the transition before.
> I wonder if we can put this in a unit test somehow?

You'd need a old store config file for the wfs store, but then inject its
parameters in a wfs-ng that has a mock http client configured, and then I
guess see if the requests do work?
The worst issue we found in Jira was the one about wfs-ng not surviving a
geoserver restart, that one is hopefully fixed by now:

I cannot think of other issues off the top of my head.

> Old thread, I need to refresh my memory.... I believe I meant centralized
> as in a geotools wrapper class that does the renaming
> (see that "DataUtilities.makeGmlCompatible(DataStore) -> DataStore "
> suggestion).
> not centralized at the GeoServer level, the : issue in GeoServer should
> not be a problem, but it's a serious problem
> for those upgrading apps based on geotools instead.
> It might then make sense to use that class in the store factory,
> controlled by a parameter I guess (at this point it's very
> hard to say if it should be on or off by default, since wfs-ng has been
> out for a few releases...)
> Okay. Yeah I have wondered that myself. Offer backwards compatibility to
> wfs users or wfs-ng users? We can't do both any more, we'll have to
> compromise one way or the other.

Is there any chance to recognize that the store configuration was meant for
the old wfs, and act accordingly?
I checked but I don't see one.
Thinking about it, I'd treat the current wfs-ng behavior as a bug (it's
unlike any other store), but add a parameter, a system hint or a static
method that could flip a switch and give the old behavior to those that
have already upgraded to wfs-ng and need to retain its current behavior.
Rationale: most of the people I meet find it had to keep up with our
release process and tend to do long jumps during upgrades, so it still
seems more likely for users to upgrade from an old wfs store than from the
newer wfs-ng, also given than the wfs store is still around, lowering the
pressure for a switch.


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Ing. Andrea Aime
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