I recommend Oasis of the Pacific http://www.oasisofthepacific.com/ which deals 
with damage to Pacific ecosystems. It is centered on the fate of Hawaii's reefs 
but is applicable well beyond that.
Also, IISD's "Inuit Observations on Climate Change" is good at showing how 
climate change is happening now and what effect it is having in northern 
Canada. http://www.iisd.org/casl/projects/inuitobs.htm
Finally, while I haven't seen this one, I have heard good things about it. The 
Basel Action Network has a film called The Digital Dump about e-waste. 
In response to Beth, was it IMO's Invaders from the Sea 
(Where it definitely isn't happy summer -- those of us in the Southern 
Hemisphere are in mid-winter, mid-semester right now. I've definitely learned 
to appreciate the challenges of antipodean life. I'll be back enjoying the 
Northern summer just in time to begin the Northern fall semester.)


Sent: Wed 8/1/2007 7:25 p.m.
To: gep-ed@listserve1.allegheny.edu
Subject: GEP videos

Dear Colleagues,

Provided I can find some very good ones, I want to show a few videos to
my GEP students this fall. I'll probably show Gore's film (mostly as a
case study of one person's role in GEP), but I'd like to have more
videos that will inspire my students. I want films that will get them
thinking about GEP generally or about their own role in it
specifically. Videos that shake them up by depicting the consequences
of consumption, pollution, killing of other species, etc would be good
to have.

Any suggestions?

Happy summer to you all.

Many thanks,


P.G. Harris
International & Environmental Studies
Department of Political Science
Lingnan University
Tel: +852-2616-7199
Fax: +852-2891-7940
Email: pharris [at] LN.edu.hk
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