I think the amount of poopies they do is related to their level of stress.  Gerbils on 
the whole do not like the exercise balls.  I know mine absolutely abhors them.  They'd 
do anything to stay out of them, including hanging on for dear life to a pot inverted 
over the ball to make them drop into it!  And when they do get tricked into them, my 
gerbils produce an excessive amount of poopies.  I'd suggest you stop putting them 
into the balls if they continue to do so.

As for pooping on you ... maybe they're not comfortable enough with you yet?


On Mon, 18 June 2001, Blue wrote:

> Hi all,
> It's been a little more than a week since I've had my
> gerbils. :) Well, I started to let them run around my
> shoulder and arms two days ago. They run around and
> explore, etc. However, they also leave a *lot* of
> droppings. Maybe 4-5 each. It's not that unpleasant
> since the droppings are hard and dry but I wonder if
> there's a reason? Am I rushing them in taming? Are
> they frightened or do they just like to poop on me? :p
> Also tried one of those "runabout" balls. They pooped
> *and* peed in it. Both of them. They also leave
> droppings and pee in their wheel in the cage so maybe
> that was the reason..
> Any way I could possibly get them to stop?
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