My best friend works cleaning a bar and the TP rolls there are like that! My
little guys (well Donte, Molly, and the babies (Skittles, Nibbler, Hoppy,
Fluffy, and i cant remember the other ones name) They have spent more time
running through it then chewing on it! I cant wait till she gets us more so
Foxy and Jaws can play with one! :)

> I was at Winco and while I was discussing the fact corn on the cob
> wasn't 10 cents anymore, my daughter saw that one of the bag rolls was
> empty, she is 3, she exclaimed Gabby need that!  So I had her show me
> because she was so excited jumping up and down and squealing and
> couldn't quite get what she was saying.   She took my hand and lead me
> over to the empty roll. She always brings TP and paper towel rolls home
> from other people's homes.   I asked the manager of grocery if we could
> have it.  He said now that's 10 cents (he was just kidding), but they
> are a very thick card board and the gerbs love it.  I would warn that if
> you have a fat gerbil they could get stuck in it.  But they are pretty
> big if you have a normal sized gerb.
> rena

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