To all of you who voiced your concern about Siggy, my poor dog the
electric company let out - I found him!! It occurred to me that
perhaps his tags may have gotten off before he was picked up, so on
my way to my 2nd shift job today, I dropped by the Animal Control
Shelter, and wouldn't you know? It only took me a minute to find him,
and he was SOOO happy to see me. Now I got to just find a lawyer who
will work pro-bono to sue the electric company! *L*
We'll be picking him up tomorrow (We only have the one car, and my
husband gets up a 5 AM to go to work, gets home at 4:45 PM and I head
off to work at 5 PM and get home at midnight!) and heading off to
Home Depot/Lowe's for some heavy duty chains and padlocks! That'll
show them! *evil maniacal laughter*

Getting back to the normal topic of gerbils though...

Eclipse doesn't seem to be getting any better, or worse for that
matter. I've had the antibiotics in the water bottle, and have been
feeding him drops every day, but it seems he's reached some kind of
.. something. He's obviously having trouble breathing, not all the
time, but a lot of the time. It hurts me to see his little sides
heave so! But I still haven't noticed any discharge or ANY other sign
that something is wrong. The clicking is still off and on, but it is
louder. I don't have to put him up to my ear to hear it any more. A
thought crossed my mind that perhaps (as I read somewhere in
someone's posts) it could be something else, like the heart, or maybe
his lungs never developed all the way or something.

I guess my question is, has there ever been a case where a gerbil
treated with antibiotics leveled off in the recovery progress, and if
so, did they ever just make it through on their own? Or is this
respiratory thing something that ONLY clears up with antibiotics, and
not time? I will continue the treatment for another week, but I
haven't been able to catch him drinking from the water bottle yet.
Perhaps he's getting too much? Oh I do hope he makes it through! I'd
hate to lose him after all this, but... c'est la vie. *hopes for the

-Jackie & The Copper Dragon Clan

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