Wish you best of luck. I too hope you can keep the
clan line going. I have really enjoyed reading tales
of your gerbs on your pages.

My five pups are still doing good. Born the night
before all the N.Y. destruction. Wonder should I name
them in remembrance or not. My son has named the
parents now. The gray male is Sausage and the white
female is Biscuit. Appropriate names if you've been
following my notes about them. :)


--- "G.M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My new gerbil Snow mated again today. Therefore, her
> last mating on August 30, didnt take. Im hoping she
> would carry on the line.
> =====
> Gary's web pages -
> http://home.talkcity.com/StudioDr/go5/
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