On 19 November 2014 15:08, Dave Liquorice <allso...@howhill.com> wrote:
> ...
> What is a bit odd about your "fault" is the fairly regular timing. Sync
> during the day could well be way above what it can do at night hence the
> drop at sunset (though that seems a bit early). In the morning the reduced
> noise prompts the modem into resyncing at a high rate, ready for the
> evening...

I know RF interference at night can cause a resync to a slower speed
but in my experience it will not automatically resync in the morning
again, but will stay at the slower speed, so it will not need to slow
down again the next night.  Several days of continuous good signal is
needed before it will resync to a higher speed.  This explains why if
you get some temporary interference on the line which causes it to
slow down (an extended thunderstorm for example) then it can be
several days before it comes back up to full speed again.

I would have thought some electrical event that happens morning and
evening and knocks it out each time is more likely to explain the OPs
problem.  It could be in or near his house or down the line somewhere.
It might be interesting to find out from neighbours whether they also
see the problem, if they are savvy enough to notice.


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