On Wed, 19 Nov 2014 21:53:11 +0000, Colin Law wrote:

> However I still don't think the adsl will disconnect and reconnect again 
> in the morning just because the interference is lower, otherwise we would 
> all be seeing regular re-syncs.

Depends on the interference levels day to night and the current sync speed. 
I only have about 6 dB change, with a sync speed of just over 6 Mbps it'll 
be stable even if the error rate is higher overnight (mostly FEC so no data 
loss). If it resyncs during the day it can be above 7 Mbps but come evening 
it'll be awful and may well resync lower (though I normally get peed off and 
tell it to resync).

If the diurnal noise range was higher I can well see it seeing the nice 
relatively noiseless line sometime after sunrise and syncing at a rate that 
come evening it can't sustain.

TBH I don't notice resyncs most of the time but I get an email from my ISP 
on each down/up transition.


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