On 17/03/2019 14:08, Jim web wrote:

FWIW I did try looking at the source code for one of the BBC pages involved
here. But couldn't see any sign of a pattern that I recognised as an actual
pid.  :-/

I cheated and worked back from the PID in the Olivia Chaney example. The relevant string appears to be

I tried searching for pid in your Four Steamers example. At first I could not even get the View Page Source by right clicking, but eventually found it by trying before I clicked Firefox's Allow Flash button. The string pid does not occur anywhere on the page, so this is a completely different regime.

Jeremy Nicoll's seems the most promising approach.  As he suggested I tried

wget http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/4/gtis/?server=cp47317.edgefcs.net&identifier=archive/white/OAT_BBC_7312&kind=akamai&application=ondemand

It created a file called wget-log containing one line

http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/4/gtis/?server=cp47317.edgefcs.net: Scheme missing.

Best wishes

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