Páli Gábor János <pali.ga...@gmail.com> writes:

> 2016-05-14 13:06 GMT+02:00 Karel Gardas <karel.gar...@centrum.cz>:
>> On 05/14/16 11:28 AM, Ben Gamari wrote:
>>> The pragmatist in me wants to answer 1) yes, 2) no, although I do
>>> dislike the idea of distributing binaries that weren't derived from the
>>> associated source tarball.
>> I guess all other Linuxes naturally use gnu
>> make as `make' and Windows in msys too so only non-GNU/non-Linux
>> systems should be affected and from those only FreeBSD has caught this.
> Yes, that is possible.  I do not know either Solaris or OpenBSD well
> enough, but I suspect they might have GNU make(1) installed in their
> paths as `make` or their default make(1) can understand GNU-style
> Makefiles.  FreeBSD has BSD make(1), which is the default, and this
> cannot comprehend the GNU-style files at all.
> Anyhow, in my humble opinion, it is a bad practice the hardwire the
> name of the make tool in the sources.
Indeed, this was my mistake. I'll try to be more careful of this in the

>> If this is
>> true, then I would recommend "no" to both points and leave the fix in 8.0
>> branch for 8.0.2...
> Well, in theory, FreeBSD is still a Tier-1 platform, so every release
> should just build fine without any further efforts.  I am also aware
> of the fact I am considered a minority here, and that this is just a
> minor technical problem that could wait for some undetermined time.
> However, personally, I would be quite disappointed if this promise was
> broken.
Yes, you are right. FreeBSD is tier-1 and we have committed to ensure
these work out-of-the-box. I had neglected to consider this in my
previous assessment of the situation.

In light of this I think we have little choice but to throw out these
binaries and re-spin. Thankfully I have held off on pushing the tag until
the last possible moment.

I think at the moment we should include the following in the new release,

 * the haddock $(MAKE) fix
 * the patch vendorising the alabaster theme for haddock's documentation
 * the patch fixing the clean rule for haddock's documentation
 * the patch ensuring haddock documentation is built for ghc's `all`
 * D2224, which splits ghc-boot to avoid unnecessary transitive
   dependencies in template-haskell (which otherwise would have
   necessitated a prompt 8.0.2 release)
 * A small fix for PPC which fixes crashes in threaded programs

In the interest of risk minimization I think that is all we should merge.

> I am sorry and apologize that I found this bug after the release was
> tagged, but I did not have the chance to test it before it was
> considered a final release.

No need to apologize; I'm glad you brought up the issue. The release
will go out when it's ready.


- Ben

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