On 10/26/2016 07:30 PM, Martin Strubel wrote:
> There's more confusion to be added, even:
> a) Control simulation from outside (asynchronously)
> b) Do "client side" stuff from inside the simulation

In these cases, I think we may be describing the same thing. To
reconcile terms and elaborate:

a) I've been clumsily trying to describe an interactive command shell
with loadable configuration/extension scripts. With this, one could
"change directories" through the design hierarchy, select signals to
trace, inspect state, step the simulation forward, etc. Is this what you
mean by "control simulation from outside (asynchronously)"?

b) I've vaguely imagined some kind of generic VHPI library connected to
the embedded interpreter such that writing VHDL that interfaces through
configurable IPC to whatever environment one prefers (e.g., Octave, R,
SciPy, etc.) would be easy.

By "client side stuff from inside the simulation" do you mean actually
implementing the VHPI coroutines in the embedded interpreter? I suppose
that is where the embedded Python [program] interpreter would be *much*
more useful than a light-weight Tcl [command] interpreter. But that
would also most likely mean that Python would be used as the interactive
command interface.

> [snip] I don't want to start a language war [snip]

I don't really get that either. I guess it's behavior in the same
category as the enthusiasm of sports fans, or nationalism. The FreeBSD
community has the notion of a "bikeshed"[1].

[1]: https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/articles/mailing-list-faq/bikeshed.html

Anyway, assuming hormone driven states of mind can be regulated <smirk>,
it seems most appropriate to address the issues with the same type of
analysis as any other engineering decision.

> [snip] but tcl/tk appears a bit outdated to me [snip]

How often does shell syntax need to change? (Rhetorical).

I hadn't really considered that including Tk would be desirable. Would
people want to create a graphical interface to the [executable
simulation model][2]? The jimTcl implementation does *not* have a Tk

[2]: What is a good way to refer to the executable binary file that is
produced by the ghdl compiler?

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