Hi all,

I've played around with XSLT a bit more - here's an attempt to extract some structure from a set of GHDL files. It's in a state "works for me", so don't expected the full coverage. And: no docs, just Makefile.


However, I had to make some changes to the original XML output, the XSLT expects a specific ghdl namespace, so you have to change the <root> node into
<ghdl version="0.13" xmlns="http://www.gna.org/schema/ghdl";>

for the time being (apology for the wild guess on a namespace URL..)

You need a very recent ghdl checkout (like g4c7c53b).
The generated XML file should open up with a XML editor such as XXE, see also included *.css styles. Plans are to create a XSD schema for this "dialect", once somewhat consolidated. Next step is the actual RTL description, this is somewhat more complex. On the other side there's a lot of possibilities for fun stuff, like creating SVG images from the XML using built-in browser XSL abilities.

If some folks would want to hack along, I'm up for opening up a repo somewhere.


- Martin

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