On Tue, 2016-09-06 at 16:30 +0200, Carmelo DrRaw wrote:
> > 
> > On 06 Sep 2016, at 15:54, Michael Natterer <mi...@gimp.org> wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, 2016-09-06 at 09:53 +0200, Carmelo DrRaw wrote:
> > > 
> > > Dear experts,
> > > 
> > > I am trying to improve the G’MIC plug-in by adding color
> > > management
> > > of the preview area. For this, I need to retrieve the GIMP
> > > monitor
> > > profile from inside the plug-in code.
> > 
> > What preview area do you use? In git master you simply call
> > 
> > gimp_color_area_set_color_config()
> G’MIC uses the following code to initialise the preview area:
>     const int preview_drawable_id =
> gimp_image_get_active_drawable(preview_image_id?preview_image_id:imag
> e_id);
>     gui_preview =
> gimp_zoom_preview_new_from_drawable_id(preview_drawable_id);
> Can it be used with gimp_color_area_set_color_config()? I could not
> find any documentation of the latter function...

In GIMP git master, you would say

gimp_preview_area_set_color_config (gimp_preview_get_area (preview),
                                    gimp_get_color_configuration ());

> > I wouldn't bother to do anything with plug-in color management.

> I don’t understand what you mean… in the G’MIC plug-in, the preview
> area is used to judge the visual output of a given filter, and to
> tweak parameters accordingly. 
> However, if the monitor profile is not taken into account by the
> plug-in, in many cases the g’mic preview will not match what the user
> sees on screen once the plug-in is closed… this makes any serious
> usage of the g’mic plug-in at least questionable.
> So personally I bother a lot improving the g’mic plug-in in this
> direction, and I’m ready to spend some spare time on that. But I need
> to know how to retrieve the monitor profile.

My question was if this is a plug-in against GIMP 2.8 (soon obsolete)
or against GIMP git master.

I wouldn't bother do add color management to a GIMP 2.8 plug-in
and I have never tried.


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