What about MacApp instead of PowerPlant?


>On 7/20/2000 08:32, Jason T. Slack at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>  Hello All,
>>  I am interested in doing a port of GTK+ and GIMP to MacOS.
>>  Has anybody started this?
>>  Should I go full speed ahead?
>>  Jason
>I thought about doing it but haven't done so yet. If you do, you'll have to
>use straight C. I don't think you could use PoewrPlant to handle the UI
>stuff because of GPL issues (can't redistributed PowerPlant I don't think).
>You may want to take it up with Metroweks and see.
>You could try to port the GTK libs like they did on Windows, but I don't
>know how well it would work.
>     __   _                                           Carl B. Constantine
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