
pixel fairy wrote:
> > pixel fairy wrote:
> >
> > I, and others. are working on that with matterial
> > ( http://matterial.sourceforge.net/ ).
> >
> > > but i think the best way to do that
> > > would be to build it around the gimp, alot like GAP,
> >
> > Although the GIMP's interface is great as a graphics editor,
> > it is not that great as a non-linear editor.
> i meant by building a different interface and keeping the gimp running
> with it. thats why i mentioned gap, which also has its own interface but
> the gimp runs "behind" it and you can always use it on an image (or
> multiple images) i guess what i have in mind is kinda hard to describe...

I guess it serves me right for commenting on something that I haven't
used.  (But, it's going to be a while until I can use it.  I did something
to my Linux box and now it won't connect to the Internet :-(   I've always
had alot of trouble connecting Linux to the Internet... on any computer
I've had it running on.)

See ya

     Charles Iliya Krempeaux

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