Thanks for the response.  I am running Ubuntu 19.04 64 bit.  GIMP is version
10.10.10.  When I navigate to ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins and run 'ls', there
are no files that show up.  In GIMP, if I follow the Filters dropdown menu to
Python or Script-fu, there is little there other than Console/Console-Refresh
Scripts-Start Server.

I would like to install GimpLensFun, G'Mic (which I understand is a plugin), and
explore some of the other offerings.
I do not find any GIMP plugins available in the Ubuntu software center, and, as
you seem to indicate, my online search returned plugins that I guess are for the
Windows version of GIMP.

GIMP 10.10 "flogged my eyes" such that I took serious notice of darktable which,
in the first 10.10 GIMP that I installed was called as the RAW converter
whenever I clicked on a RAW file to open it in GIMP.

I am very happy to have become acquainted with darktable, but have not spent
much time in GIMP lately.

I don't ask you to do all the work for me, just point me in the right direction.
When you say that plugins in the ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins folder have to be
set to executable, I understand what you mean, but have never set anything to
executable, so have no idea what I would be looking for or how to "flip the

I apologize for not giving you a better description of my setup in my original
post, but would appreciate if, given what I have described here, you could
provide a few more clues.



>From previous posts
>You were using linux and ubuntu then. Is that still the case? 
>Assuming (big assumption) you have updated over the years and are now
>using Gimp 2.10
>Generally, plugins either pre-compiled (binary) or python scripts, go
>in your Gimp user profile. The hidden folder in your home
>partition/directory ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins These plugins have to
>set as executable.
>The sites that list 'x' best plugins are mostly for Windows users and
>links are to Windows plugins. The python plugins should work (but not
>always), compiled (Windows) binaries, no good in linux although there
>might be linux versions.
>Where to get linux plugins? Depends on your linux distribution. Some
>binary plugins are packaged (.deb or .rpm depending  on distro) many
>Traditionally linux users compile their own. Is this what your
>question is really about?  Not always straightforward.
>Python plugins are widely available, depends on your interests. A
>search usually finds some reference.
>Give more information, Gimp version / Linux distro and if 32 or 64 bit
>/ some of those 'x' best plugins and you might get some leads.

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