>Thanks for the response.  I am running Ubuntu 19.04 64 bit.  GIMP is
>version 10.10.10.  When I navigate to ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins and
>run 'ls', there are no files that show up.  In GIMP, if I follow the
>Filters dropdown menu to Python or Script-fu, there is little there
>other than Console/Console-Refresh Scripts-Start Server.

I prefer a long-term-support (LTS) version and use (k)ubuntu 18.04. Each new
ubuntu seems a little more MS-dumbed-down than the previous, but a bit of
checking in Ubuntu 19.04

Any version, folders in ~.config/GIMP/2.10 are empty. They are for any
resources, scripts - plugins - fonts - brushes...  that you want to add to your
Gimp installation.

The Script-Fu & Python terminals are really there only if you want to write your
own scripts. Installed Gimp scripts and plugins are run via the Gimp menu
structure **not** started on their own or from those terminals.

>I would like to install GimpLensFun, G'Mic (which I understand is a
>plugin), and explore some of the other offerings.
>I do not find any GIMP plugins available in the Ubuntu software
>center, and, as you seem to indicate, my online search returned
>plugins that I guess are for the Windows version of GIMP.
>GIMP 10.10 "flogged my eyes" such that I took serious notice of
>darktable which, in the first 10.10 GIMP that I installed was called
>as the RAW converter whenever I clicked on a RAW file to open it in

That makes me wonder where you got your Gimp 2.10.10. The default in Ubuntu
19.04 is Gimp 2.10.8

>I am very happy to have become acquainted with darktable, but have not
>spent much time in GIMP lately.

Gimp 2.10.10 can come via various routes, a 'snap' from ubuntu, a 'flatpak' from
gimp.org, maybe a portable appimage or using an Ubuntu PPA repository. The
snap/flatpak/appimage will work perfectly well but you will have difficulties
installing any additional plugins especially the gmic_gimp_qt plugin and
darktable intergration.

Better off with the PPA & failing that Gimp 2.10.8 from the main ubuntu repo.
Bottom line - give details and advice can follow.

>I don't ask you to do all the work for me, just point me in the right
>When you say that plugins in the ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins folder
>have to be set to executable, I understand what you mean, but have
>never set anything to executable, so have no idea what I would be
>looking for or how to "flip the switch."

Making plugins executable. The usual advice is chown in a terminal. However,
just use your file browser. Right click on the file. Choose properties (1)
Choose Permissions (2) Click on Execute toggle (3) As screenshot.

* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1189/original/permissions.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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