Curious why you find the software center "awful", but I appreciate the
information provided in your post.  Will work through it today to see what it
delivers for my system.

I don't think I did anything special to get GIMP 10.10.10, nor can I comment on
whether enabling PPA sources influences what one sees in the software center (I
have never personally noticed such).

Thanks again for the reply.  I am anxious to work through your suggestions.


>Trying to keep this short
>From the (awful) ubuntu software center, something like this
>Standard is Gimp 2.10.8 after enabling a PPA gimp 2.10.10 So I am
>assuming that is what you are using, as stated 2.10.10
>Not everything shows in the (awful) ubuntu software center: I am a bit
>old fashioned and also use a package manager to see what is there.
>screenshot: both your requirements are
>You will have to install using a terminal and these commands
>sudo apt install gimp-gmic
>This is a little old but will pull in all the dependencies and get you
>started. In use open an image, menu entry is bottom of the filters
>menu. Checked and working.
>sudo apt install gimp-lensfun
>Have not tried this one. might/might-not work. Usually the liblensfun
>packages are pulled in by Darktable or Rawtherapee and lens correction
>applied there before importing to Gimp.
>Next a challenge for you. Installing plugins.
>Go to this forum page: 
>Download the zip file. Unzip to get 4 plugins. Put these in the Gimp
>user profile ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-install
>Check in the Gimp menu structure. resynthesizer shows in Filters ->
>Map and the more used 'heal' python plugins in Filters -> Enhance.
>(not there? check that you have gimp-python installed)

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