What happened to gimp "clone" tool?? It stopped working for me.

I ctrl+click on the image to set the source point for cloning, but it
does not happen. I even made a video to show you this:


In the video, you can see the moment where i press "ctrl" with the
status bar text changing. But after i click, holding the key, and then
release the key, the "forbidden" cursor is back, as if i had not done
it. In the video, i trick to set the source point 3 times.

GIMP version 2.10.22. No update for Debian, although Gimp tells that
2,10,28 was released last month.

So... what to do?

If possible, I want to install a previous version of Gimp, independently
of the current one: separate settings, all needed files, so i can run
both at the same time, without any conflict. Yes, it can be from source.

Thank you

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