Em 18/10/2021 20:58, Liam R E Quin escreveu:
> On Mon, 2021-10-18 at 23:13 +0100, Ken Moffat via gimp-user-list wrote:
>> So I will merely add that trying to compile non-recent versions with
>> recent versions of gcc, binutils, gtk2, and other dependencies is
>> likely to fail - too much has changed.
> Yes-  the only real way to do this  is with a flatpak or docker
> instance, or a virtual machine, running an old version of Linux.
> However, you may have problems with plugins and, possible, accessing
> file.
> Sometimes it's best to go with the flow :) The clone tool is  working
> fine here in  both 2.10.x and  2.99.x

Is there a way to change, using my Gimp user config, the
"ctrl+alt+click" i have now, to set a new clone source, back to
"ctrl+click"? I tried to find this in the shortcut settings, but it is
not there, i think.

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