Em 21/10/2021 17:56, Dedeco Balaco via gimp-user-list escreveu:
> Em 21/10/2021 17:19, Liam R. E. Quin escreveu:
>> On Wed, 2021-10-20 at 20:12 -0300, Dedeco Balaco via gimp-user-list
>> wrote:
>>> The configure script was and is here.
>> The problem  is that you must first build and install babl, then gegl,
>> and, as  the error message says, you must set PKG_CONFIG_PATH (a shell
>> variable):
>>> configure: error: Package requirements (babl >= 0.0.22) were not met:
>>> No package 'babl' found
>>> Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
>>> installed software in a non-standard prefix.
>> To repeat:
>>>> To build GIMP  2.10.28 on an older Debian Linux, you will need to
>>>> start
>>>> with building the following:
>>>> libmypaint (the 1.3 branch)
>>>> libgtk+2, libgdk2, glib from gnome, using jhbuild
>>>> babl (with meson; i'm not sure autoconf is still supported for babl
>>>> and gegl)
>>>> gegl
>>>> Install ALL of these into a custom prefix 
>> However, this will not fix the clone tool and neither  would installing
>> an older version.
>>> Since one or two days ago, there is a question i have been waiting an
>>> answer, in this list: is the behaviour change i describe in my
>>> problem possible to achieve with normal changes in 2.10.22 settings?
>> No but it is possible to make it happen using the gnome or  MATE
>> accessibility settings.
>>> I have some accessibility tools actived for me. To see where the
>>> mouse
>>> pointer is, i (press and) _release_ the ctrl key,
>> Try turning it off, at least temporarily, and see if that fixes gimp's
>> clone for you. It did  for me. I think it's  a  bug in the gnome
>> accessibility toolkit.
> You found the problem.    (:    If i disable the "show me mouse cursor"
> checkbox, gimp clone immediately works as documented. No restart, no
> closed window, nothing. Just check and uncheck it (the mouse
> accessibility window apply changes instantly). And no close+open gimp
> either.
> And this problem was inserted with the update i did, a few weeks ago,
> from Debian 9 to Debian 11. I did not change these settings together
> with the update, and i used gimp normally, before.
> A bug where? Well, firefox and vivaldi use "ctrl+click" too, and they do
> it now as they did before.
> So, for now, i will accept this reality: gimp clone tool is different
> for me. But i will use it as usual, anyway. Nothing lost.

I imagined an answer would happen to explain everything, clarifying all
I have discovered and described in these last paragraphs above.

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