On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 09:27:13PM +0200, Joe Schaffner wrote:
> My First GIF: http://www.geocities.com/klairbab/alpha.gif
i think you will find that the lines of the elipse are smoother if you
flatten the image first and then save.  i am curious, when you made the
image, did you see an "Export Dialog"?  if export is indexing first and
then flattening, it should be changed....

> > > It looks like I can "select" the layer using the Layer dialog and move
> > > the entire layer to position the text. I'll try that tomorrow. That
> > > would be easier than cutting and pasting regions on the drawing
> > > surface, like you do with mspaint, but I got pretty good at it. What
> > > bothered me was moving the edges of the layer off screen. I don't like
> > > surprises.
> > >
> > that quality can become useful.  there is a difference between canvas
> > size and image size.  if at any moment you are extremely uncomfortable
> > with some of the image stuff not being in view in the image area, simply
> > Image/Canvas to image size (or something like that in the menu).
> Moving the Text boxes around was a breeze. I just made sure the
> "?????" layer was current (must be "Background" in English). Then I
> chose the Move tool and simply moved the cursor, slowly, over the
> text. A little hand appeared, which I clicked, and got the Move icon
> again. The scope was clear, and I could position the text inside the
> ellipses, no problem. I didn't even need to consider the layers.
if you work with it more, the relationship between the move tool and the
layers will become more familar.  

> > the text tool has several options, one of them is a reset.  please use
> > the reset button and then be careful of which font you choose.  the free
> > software tends to show you all of your computer fonts.  not all of those
> > fonts were made for decorative image making.
> Ok, I'll remember that, the reset button...
> The font I'm using is the TTF Times New Roman I took off a Windows
> system. I chose 14 pt. but the .xcf came out a little small. Looks
> more like 8 pt. The gif actually compares well with the browser, just
> a little smaller than expected. The rasterization process must be the
> same (of course).
my advice about the reset button was a way for me to avoid discussing
anti-aliasing and auto-hinting and fixing your tool options via email.
all of these things matter when rendering text with gimp.

also, my advice was about how to fix not smooth text (this part of the
original mail has been edited out).  if your image is being indexed
before it is flattened, as i mentioned earlier, it would cause the
problems that you had described in your original mail.

> > > Hey! I couldn't find any grid.
> > >
> > View/Grid
> Sorry about that. I found the Grid, no problem. I have a Greek desktop
> and I overlooked it.
the original question for this was that you had a grid but it did not
seem to do anything.  there is a difference in grids in GIMP.  one kind
is painted on and the other kind is part of GIMPs memory about the image

> > > I noticed one of the layers had a grid-like background, don't know how
> > > it got there, and I couldn't make it do anything with it, so I gave
> > > up.
> > >
> > it is also possible to paint a grid onto a layer.
> > Filters/Render/Patterns/Grid, perhaps you did this.
> What is that checkerboard pattern?
paint trick.  adrian likins wrote it, i think.

> > > How would I go about creating an mspaint user interface for the gimp?
> > >
> > i would start by seeing if you can get it to compile on windows first.
> > then ask again for instructions here.
> No need to do that... Gimp just as easy as mspaint after all. If
> mspaint is a "paint program", then gimp is too, only better.
> > > Can I do it with your scheme interpreter?
> > >
> > you would have to answer this yourself.
> No, I don't think so... If your Scheme is anything like AutoLisp it
> can only be used in the application domain, to automate the drawing
> process, like a macro language. I don't expect I can put new buttons
> in the tool box. Hm, maybe I can..
it is not my scheme!  no way.

personally, i don't think scheme should be here.  windows95 and
windowsNT are basically scheme engines, aren't they?  

> I was thinking I'd probably need a programming language, like C, and
> your plug-in interface, to extend gimp, but I still don't know what
> you consider a plug-in, hm, transformers for other file formats?
are you looking at information online or at the source code while you
think about all of this?

> > i wonder even if mspaint is a
> > scheme thing using libgimp.  there is no way of knowing what the heck ms
> > did to make software!
> Wouldn't that be funny, if MS ripped you off. You wouldn't be the first 
> victim.
there is a lot of power in not wanting to take the blame for something.
i don't think that any of the gimp developers past or present want to
take the blame for MS software.  so, no -- it wouldn't be funny.  

> > > Curious thing, AutoCad also has a Lisp interface, which none of my
> > > architect friends can use.
> > >
> > > Who inspired who?
> > >
> > meanwhile, ICQ claims all .scm (i read this somewhere on the internet)
> >
> Sorry, what is ICQ and .scm?
.scm is the extension of the gimps script-fu files.  and i just read
that ICQ installs itself to read all .scm, i did not read what ICQ was.

> > to me, personally, it speaks well of your friends to not be able to use
> > lisp.
> It also makes me more useful. :)
> Thanks Carol,
you are welcome.  it would actually be helpful if you explained what
steps you took to make that image.  it could/should have been better.

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