Hmm... There is no button to do this? Only ways using features that are  
not made exactly for it? Developers read this mail list? Can I suggest  
this? A simple toogle box that change mix opacity to exact opacity. Well,  
in that case. I will use masks, hope any developer read this.

> On Sunday 18 May 2008, Lap1994 wrote:
>> Let make things more simple to understand.
>> If I draw a %50 opacity white pixel above one black pixel with the
>> pencil it becomes silver. But I want the pixel WHITE AND WITH %50
>> OF OPACITY. I simply want to change the alpha when I draw and not
>> how much the color change.
> Let's try a step by step solution so that your chances of mistake are
> diminshed:
> 1) open layers dialog (ctrl + l)
> 2) right click on layer, select "Add layer mask"
> 3) on the dialog that apears, choose "White (full opacity)
> 4) Pick the pencil, black color, choose 50% opacity an start painting
>       - you will be cretaing gray colr on the mask, which means your
>         image, at the corresponding pixels, will be translucent. That
>        will be depicted  by a gaye checkered pattern you will be able
>         to notice in the places you are painting
> 5) Before saving, click on the layer thumbnail on tehlayers dialog, so
> that it becomes the active drawable. Otherwhise, you will be saving
> only the mask itself
> 6) Be sure to save he file ina  file format which accepts
> translucency - such as .png (don't try .jpg or .gif)
> Happy gimping!
>       js
>       -><-
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