Hi Adrian,

Adrian Dusa wrote:

>  > > http://home.arcor.de/ccyrny/downloads/textures.zip
> Sorry to be ignorant, but how does one include these files in Gimp's 
> textures?

under Linux, there's a hidden subdirectory 
$HOME/.gimp-[version]/patterns. If you save
the textures there with the extension .pat
(after opening them in the Gimp), they should
be available as Gimp textures (you would
have to restart the Gimp first).

Under Windows (I'm not familiar with MacOS), there
should be a directory with the same name (most
likely [Drive]:\Program Files\gimp-[version]\patterns.


.:: Claus Cyrny - Webdesign |  Grafik | Fotografie ::.

:: Website: http://home.arcor.de/ccyrny/ ::.
:: Fotos: http://photo.net/photodb/slideshow?folder_id=714471 ::.
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