Hugh Gleaves <> writes:

> SmartGit is the best way to begin working with Git, it is much less
> confusing that the (poorly explained) command line stuff, plenty of
> time for command line later, most developers here rarely if ever need
> to use command line.

That may be true for some, but not all. Personally I found the command
line, augmented with some aliases, *much* easier to grasp than any GUI.
For me it was the same with CVS, SVN, P4, Mercurial, TLA, ... different
strokes for different folks ;)

> Finally I'm astonished that there is no Git forum out there, Github
> don't provide one and Git itself is archaic (mailing lists) and
> Syntervo rely on this Google group, we need a Git forum where everyone
> and anyone using Git can get answers to questions.

There's this email list, IRC and stack overflow, what other fora do you


Magnus Therning              OpenPGP: 0x927912051716CE39
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