As I understand it, each of the Linux area maintainers made/provided their 
own [public readable] server so that they could fetch (and merge, = pull) 
from each other (see `git request-pull`) and could also push to some 
reference servers, or each other. 

Being Linux hackers (in the best sense of the word) they obviously had such 
capabilities, compared to those who might work in more managed 'corporate' 

That free interchange of development branches is said to be the source of 
the 'Pull' mechanism that has now fallen out of favour with the rise of the 
communal server services and central corporate servers that we now tend to 
use so as to maintain a Trunk or first parent perspective on the 
'linear/flattened' development. 

Collaboration has always required a method of 'publishing' one's work and 
those cloud servers make it so much easier for us lesser mortals to not 
only publish, but to be found as well, along with the ease of 'forking' 
promising projects.

+1 for an interesting question ;-)

On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 1:51:49 PM UTC wrote:

> Hi
> Sorry if this off-topic but I got curious. I stumbled of the talk Linus
> Thorvald gave in 2007 about git
> It is fun to watch [1]
> And he emphasizing DVCS, but I am wondering, how was this
> supposed to work in 2007. Github/gitlab/bitbucket did not exist, only
> sourceforge if I remember correctly.
> Git is only a client software, as far as I know.
> Anybody knows how this was done in 2007?
> Regards
> Uwe Brauer 
> Footnotes:
> [1] (his accent seems to be quite good, although I am no native
> speaker...). His jokes about CVS and subversion are hilarious, 
> but not about mercurial 😇
> -- 
> Warning: Content may be disturbing to some audiences
> I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against the Ukraine.
> I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. 
> I support the ban of Russia from SWIFT.
> I support the EU membership of the Ukraine. 

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