On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 06:41:02AM -0800, Philip Oakley wrote:

> As I understand it, each of the Linux area maintainers made/provided their 
> own [public readable] server so that they could fetch (and merge, = pull) 
> from each other (see `git request-pull`) and could also push to some 
> reference servers, or each other. 
> Being Linux hackers (in the best sense of the word) they obviously had such 
> capabilities, compared to those who might work in more managed 'corporate' 
> environments. 

I would also not be susprised if at leat some of the repos (those maintained
by "the leutenants") were hosted using the same infrastructure which was
hosting (and still does) the kernel tarballs, the mailing list and its
archives, the wiki etc.

And yes, hosting Git is simple for anyone with reasonably decent "sysadmin"
skill set. I mean "plain" hosting - which does not provide any fancy web UI
to the repos. It might also be of interest that it was possible (almost since
the beginning) so have "asymmetric" Git hosting: using its plain "native"
protocol for R/O access and host it via SSH for R/W access.

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