On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 05:19:35PM -0500, Randall S. Becker wrote:
> No matter how this plays out, let's please make very sure to provide
> sufficient user documentation so that those of us who have to explain
> the differences to users have a decent reference. Even now, explaining
> rebase vs. merge is difficult enough for people new to git to choose
> which to use when (sometimes pummeling is involved to get the point
> across 😉 ), even though it should be intuitive to most of us. I am
> predicting that adding this capability is going to further confuse the
> *new* user community a little. Entirely out of enlighted
> self-interest, I am offering to help document
> (edits/contribution//whatever) this once we get to that point in
> development.

I agree. I have a feeling that it may take a while for this to play out.
This has been on my mind for a while and think there will be some more
discussion before anything gets started.


> Something else to consider is how (or if) this capability is going to
> be presented in front-ends and in Cloud services. GitK is a given, of
> course. I'm still impatiently waiting for worktree support from some
> other front-ends.

It all takes time. :)

> Cheers,
> Randall
> -- Brief whoami: NonStop&UNIX developer since approximately 
> UNIX(421664400)/NonStop(211288444200000000)
> -- In my real life, I talk too much.

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