Very interesting topic, just this one part I wanted to comment on:

On 26/12/2017 02:28, Jacob Keller wrote:
> What about some way to take the reflog and turn it into a commit-based
> linkage and export that? Rather than tying it into the individual
> commit history, keep track of it outside the commit, possibly via
> something like notes, or some other mechanism.

This seems like the most useful approach, might be not touching reflog 
per se, but having some kind of "cherry-picked commits source" log 
(where rebasing is a subset of cherry-picking). What Johannes 
mentioned, a mapping between "old" and "new" commits. Might be notes 
could fit in nicely, but I`m not competent to comment on that at the 

For me, the most interesting use case is not even tied to code review 
(thus no review comments to think about), but a situation where one 
might be rebasing a set of downstream patches on top of updating 
upstream - it might be possible for a bug to slip through due to some 
upstream changes, even where there are no conflicts and test suite is 
executed regularly (might be test reveling the bug is yet to be added).

In that situation, instead of just going back in "regular" history 
(single dimension) and eventually finding the offending (rebased) 
commit (its N-th rebased version, that is), it might be great to 
actually keep drilling down the "rebase history" now (second 
dimension), finding the exact rebase iteration / rebased commit 
version where the error first appeared.

Carl, you described this well in your document[1], and Johannes 
provided a valuable first-hand experience[2] from working around the 
very same native Git limitation for years, mentioning using (fragile, 
costly and not very automatible) rebased commits message search to 
drill down the second dimension (rebase iterations), which seems to 
be the only possible approach at the moment, with "vanilla" Git, at 

So this might be much more interesting case, if code review one is 
less appropriate because of review comments being also relevant to 
commit rebase iterations (which should be then stored somewhere, too, 
relating to corresponding commits, not to lose context).

Regards, Buga

p.s. "Merging rebase" and "" script[3] seem to be orthogonal 
to this - really great on their own in improving rebase itself and 
making it smarter and much more powerful and useful, where I guess 
they would benefit from native Git "cherry-picked (rebased) commits 
iterations tracking" (old/source <> new/destination commit mapping), 
too, as would other Git tools.


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