2013/5/13 Thomas Rast <tr...@inf.ethz.ch>:
> Hi
> I hope I got together a Cc list that pretty much represents everyone
> involved in git core and pro-git book translation into German.
> As I am sure you are all aware, there are two main religions as to how
> one can translate technical material into German: leave the technical
> terms mostly in English, or translate them to an appropriate
> corresponding word.  I'll denote them G+E and Ger, respectively.  I
> would really like to avoid rehashing that entire discussion in this
> thread, if at all possible; we've flogged that horse enough.  See
> e.g. [1] for previous threads on the git list about the transation.
> However, an unfortunate and unsatisfactory situation has developed:
> Christian Stimming's git-gui de.po uses a Ger translation, and Ralf
> Thielow built core git's de.po on top of it, so it's also Ger.
> Meanwhile, and independently, Sven Fuchs and Ralph Haussmann wrote a
> translation of pro-git (which is also quite mature at this point, having
> apparently begun in 2009), and as you probably guessed by now, it's G+E.
> So that leaves us at a point where "the" libre Git book (and also the
> one that happens to be hosted on git-scm.com, the official site) does
> not match the terminology used by German git.
> Like, at all.  They're not even remotely near each other.
> Therefore, a total newbie would find at least one of those two totally
> useless.  I haven't done a comprehensive survey yet, but it is my
> impression that the commercial git books are also G+E, so the
> hypothetical newbie would be stuck learning the English terms in one of
> the two regardless.
> So where to go from this mess?
> Obviously -- unless the agreement is that the status quo should persist
> -- we'd first have to sort out what the preferable translation should
> be.  And I'm a bit scared of trying, except that a straw poll on IRC
> gave me some hope that a simple majority vote could help settle it.
> My vote is G+E.

My vote is G+E, too. IMO the users should read the same terms in Git
messages as they read in the majority of German Git-books/blogs/etc.
(I don't know one of them where Git terms are translated.) I think that
would make users life easier and less confusing.

> After that, we should create a unified glossary.  Even in the G+E case,
> a few terms would presumably be translated fully and some others might
> have partial translations (checkout -> auschecken?).  The current
> glossary for git's de.po is [2].  I have no idea what Sven and Ralph do.
> Perhaps a github wiki page would be fine for everyone?
> Finally, converting the existing translation will require some manpower.
> I'll help review things, as I have previously done for translation
> updates of core git de.po; perhaps with a few more volunteers it can be
> done pretty quickly.
> Thanks for your time.
> - Thomas
> [1]  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/58315
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/156226/focus=156373
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/196779/focus=196792
> [2]  https://github.com/ralfth/git-po-de/wiki/Glossary
> --
> Thomas Rast
> trast@{inf,student}.ethz.ch
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