Em 26-05-2011 09:50, Christian Johansen escreveu:

    This is about code intention. What is the intention about the code

     def ssl_required?
          return false if !GitoriousConfig["use_ssl"] # readable, easy
    to understand the intention
          return true if request.ssl? # very easy too
          !request.session_options[:expire_after].nil? && logged_in? #
    Completely unclear to me what is the intention for this

    When I understand what is this code intention I can come with some

I like your approach :) Gitorious should enforce SSL if:

    * use_ssl in gitorious.yml is true
    * the user is already on SSL

Actually, although readable, this one doesn't make any sense to me too.

If the request is already secure why does it matter to check for ssl_required?

As far as I understand, the ssl_requirement plugin will use this method only for redirecting to HTTPS when ssl_required? is true.

As you don't want the cookies to be transferred with plain HTTP, you are checking if user is logged in. It makes sense, but a comment in the code would make this intention clearer.

But I would write ssl_required? as:

def ssl_required?
    return false if !GitoriousConfig["use_ssl"]
    logged_in? # we don't want cookies to be sent over HTTP

But then, I think that when you mark a cookie as secure, it will only be sent over HTTPS connections, right? So this would lead to the simplest:

def ssl_required?

What am I missing?

    * user is logged in
    * session is in use

So !request.session_options[:expire_after].nil? is our "session is in use" flag. Suggestions?

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