Greetings to all,

Thank you Peter Ellis for your reaction. One may not share the World
Bank overall corporate strategy, but at least should recognize the
tremendous progress made by the WB group so far to disseminate
information and to share knowledge. Unfortunately or fortunately I have
not seen or have not paid attention to such statement, but, though I do
respect other's personal views and assessment,  I am far from agreeing
with this perhaps too much personal judgment.

For researchers working in developing countries, the WB site and the
miscellaneous links that are provided,
<>, <> to mention
a few) stand for an invaluable knowledge resource center, provided that
those researchers have internet- connection facilities; but this is an
other issue.

Currently doing research in ICT and poverty alleviation in Sub Saharan
Africa, I must say that the WB site is among the sites I most visit and
the information I am harnessing from it is very much helpful.

Gaston Zongo

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