If we were to ask "What SHOULD be on the horizon?", then I would answer:

IMHO, the number one thing that would help Africa "catch up" to the
technology revolution would be the elimination of the telecom
monopolies. Whether by allowing competition from both internal and
external vendors, privatization of existing government-owned telcoms,
relaxation of laws for VSAT and wireless connectivity, or other similar
choices, African governments could speed up the development of
affordable services running on a sustainable and reliable infrastructure
by letting go of their choke hold on their telecoms.

Ironically, the increase in business that the ensuing development would
enable, would create untold opportunities for money-making schemes, the
very reason that governments cling to those fragile telecoms.
Bill Lester 
William A. Lester
CTO/Director of Technology
a program of EngenderHealth
440 Ninth Avenue
New York, NY 10001
(Office) 212.561.8002   (eFax) 212.202.5167
(URL) www.ninthbridge.org
"The Means to The Mission"

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