Dear GKD Members:

It is interesting to note the emphasis on policy. I for one, based on my
education and experience base have come to believe that the Governments
must not make technology choices and it should be best left to the
forces that are well experienced in using it to the purposes they get
paid for.

However, who creates the policy? The government? Do they have adequate
capacity to develop a policy framework for all their citizens or
optimising global goals? Yes and NO! That is precisely why policies
differ across governments and international organisations. We have not
been able to create an agreed framework that may make policy-making
itself a task that yields expected results. So the policy ends up
becoming largely dependent on who in particular wrote it, who backs it
up and who takes more than a fair share of interest in it.

Having said that, there are a few intriguing developments that some of
us may like to note:

All international calls out of India begining 20th Nov are
going to be charged @ $0.14 (14 cents approx but less than 15 US cents).
This is way below what is available to anyone living in the heaven of
telecom (fixed lines only) users called the USA. They will still be
paying upwards of 49 cents a minite to call India and more for calling
the rest of the developing world!

So when a villager from India can call his alien US resident kids for 15
cents instead of the usual $3 they have been used to and that had come
down to 40 cents lately, it will bring in a different kind of knowledge
transfer, behavioural changes, and contribute its few cents worth to
development. Once again made possible by a very competitive market where
"notoriously bad investment" made by a government will profitably make
it competitive vis a vis the leaders of technology such as AT&T and the

satish jha

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