The question which seems not to be asked is "what are the
specifications?" "Low cost" in the US can be commercial DSL at 128k for
under USD 25/month with VOIP essentially free point-to-point. On the
other hand 56kb can be below USD 10/month.  It depends on whether you
want service directly in your business or home or are willing to go to a
telecenter. WiFi can reach very remote corners of the earth, today and
include voip. Where you are, what you need, what your price point is and
other factors affect the answers to the question- it is often site and
situation specific with no "generic" solution which can be packaged in a
"one-size fits all" configuration.

But something has to be at the end of the access point. One can't just
put the pipe into the room and walk out the door. Again, this takes
careful consideration.

One needs to take care when the ideal ( E-"x", where x= democracy,
education, commerce...) is being spoken, the expectation is not that of
Captain Jean Luc Picard on the Star Ship Enterprise when he decrees,
"Let it be so..."


tom abeles

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