Dear GKD Members,

I am from Kenya, and have found this discussion on Cyber-Security very
interesting. I particularly wanted to comment on the theme of policy and
international legal frameworks. As some on GKD already know, the World
Telecommunciation Standardisation Assembly (WTSA) is meeting in Brazil
this week. Among the issues being discussed are network security and
access control and privacy. These issues are of great importance to us
in Africa, and surely our voice should be included in the
standardisation process itself.

Yet the big problem for us is that we do not have the preparation or
expertise to participate fully in this world conference and defend our
interests. One of the resolutions to come out of WTSA 2000 called for
greater participation from developing countries in the
telecommunications standardisation process and greater involvement in
WTSA itself. However, this resolution can be fulfilled only if
developing countries are given adequate and timely access to information
and international networking opportunities in order to prepare for the
Assembly. Also we need more training to build the expertise we need to
participate fully.

Although a preparatory meeting of African countries was held this June
in Zimbabwe, I still do not feel that we from developing countries have
enough opportunities to network internationally and develop enough
telecommunications policy background so that we can present our case
effectively to the world assembly. On a continent where cyber-crime and
online fraud is spreading so quickly, we must have a say in the
formulation of international telecommunications standards that address
these issues. I hope that someone on GKD will be able to give advice to
those of us in Africa trying to help our countries establish standards
and the legal frameworks necessary to ensure our own cyber-security.

Daniel Mathenge

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