I am very interested that there seems to be an expectation that
terrorism/crime be met at a "national" level first, and then
co-ordinated into an international effort.

It is generally accepted that cyber-anything has little regard for
nationality. History has also shown that criminal/terrorist activity
will always migrate to where there is less "heat", regardless of the

This is where I sympathise with the earlier post from Macedonia. The
wealthy countries/nationalities have the resources to make life very
"hot" for the criminal/terrorist. The criminal/terrorist "moves" to the
poorest country/nationality as it does not have the resources to deal
with the criminal/terrorist. The wealthy countries, who control the
international organisations like the UN/IMF/etc then blacklist the poor
country for harbouring the criminal/terrorist.

This is further interesting when the root causes of the
criminal/terrorist activity are "situated" in the wealthy countries. The
net effect is that they can then blame the poor countries for their
inappropriate actions.

This all leads me to feel that tackling this issue on a national basis
just furthers the aims of wealthy countries. This issue is
international. A credible organisation must be found that can deal with
it. Until then, I predict a very dim future for the already 'dim' poor

Yours faithfully,
Barry Coetzee

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