To my question about  -O  in  ghc-6.8.1-candidate 
Don Stewart wrote on Wed, Oct 17

> By default cabal uses ghc -O to build projects, so you won't see any
> difference if you comment it out of the cabal file. You will however
> if you explicitly turn off optimisations:

I see now, thank you.

> I'd recommend using -O2 these days, particularly for a library like
> docon where performance matters. 
>     ghc-options: -O2

No,  -O2  is worse than  -O !

Build the public  docon  with  ghc-6.8.1-candidate   
under -O and under -O2.
Under -O2 
1) it is 10% larger and 10% longer to build,
2) demotest/Main  runs 10% slower.

And the following is close to a bug report:

    cd demotest
    ghc $doconCpOpt -O --make Main        -- building docon test

compiles long and takes  900 Mb of RAM,
and after this I kill the process.

The same is for  ghc $doconCpOpt -O2 --make Main

I think, there is not any particular reason to compile the test under
-O, usually I apply -Onot here.
But still, this very long compilation and 900 Mb are suspicious.


Serge Mechveliani

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