On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 01:25:27AM +0100, Duncan Coutts wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-10-18 at 11:02 +0400, Serge D. Mechveliani wrote: 
> > On Oct 17, 2007, Don Stewart and Duncan Coutts wrote: 
> > 
> > > > [..]
> > > > By default cabal uses ghc -O to build projects, so you won't see any
> > > > difference if you comment it out of the cabal file. You will however
> > > > if you explicitly turn off optimisations:
> > > > 
> > > >     ghc-options: -Onot
> > > 
> > > or:
> > > 
> > > cabal-setup configure --disable-optimization
> > > 
> > > since the default is --enable-optimization which with ghc uses -O
> > For GHC, it is necessary for the  .cabal  file to provide the field
> > `ghc-options:',
> > and the optimization keys are of this field.
> > Hence, is not this confusing to allow the optimization keys anywhere 
> > else?
> > Also seeing `--enable-optimization' the user needs also to recall of what 
> > kind of optimization is it.
> The ghc-options field allows you to pass anything flags you like to ghc.
> That does not mean that you should! :-)
> Cabal is supposed to be portable between Haskell implementations and to
> allow packages to also be portable. Some Haskell implementations provide
> a notion of optimisation and so Cabal supports that with the
> --enable-optimization flag.
> There's an additional advantage here, we can let the user decide if they
> want to build with or without optimization. With the ghc-options field,
> only the developer gets to decide.
> So, in summary it's much better not* to use lines like:
> ghc-options: -O
> and to let the user manage that with Cabal's --enable-optimization flag
> (which is on by default).
> If you have specific ghc optimisations that you really need to be
> applied, then it's ok to use the ghc-options: field. For example we use
> that in bytestring.
> The --enable-optimization flag also applies to other things, like
> compiling C code and in principle could apply to other tools like
> happy/alex, though at the moment it does not.
> Duncan

Currently, my DoCon application has the file  docon.cabal,
with the field

  ghc-options:  <many options>
                +RTS -M400m -RTS
                -- -prof
                -- -auto-all
This file defines how to build the DoCon library.
And a DoCon user is invited to comment-out or un-comment, or change 
any of the last 4 lines in this field definition. By this, the user 
defines, for example, whether to compile the library with -O, with 
-O2, or with -Onot.
The meaning of these options is explained in the GHC documentation.

If it also aimed to build under, say, HBC tool, then, I would probably 
need to add the field

  hbc-options:  ...

and set there the keys according their meaning explained in the HBC 

This was my idea. I do not know ...


Serge Mechveliani

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