On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 11:51 -0700, Don Stewart wrote:
> mechvel:
> > Dear GHC developers, 
> > 
> > Has  -O  any meaning in  ghc-6.8.1-candidate ?
> > 
> > I build  docon  under  ghc-6.8.1-candidate  under -O and 
> > with skipping it (the line of  -O  commented out in  docon.cabal). 
> > 
> > And it installs the .a library of the same size, 
> > and the test running takes the same time.
> > 
> By default cabal uses ghc -O to build projects, so you won't see any
> difference if you comment it out of the cabal file. You will however
> if you explicitly turn off optimisations:
>     ghc-options: -Onot


cabal-setup configure --disable-optimization

since the default is --enable-optimization which with ghc uses -O

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