Has anyone created an IDL file for Xlib? Alternatively, has anyone created one for 

I know that someone is working on GTK, but I'm interested in Xlib specifically. Also, 
I'm aware of Sigbjorn's Xlib interface in Haggis, but that one's reportedly still for 
GHC 0.29. :(

BTW, it's not urgent---I don't have any experience with either Xlib or H/Direct yet; I 
just want to play around with them. Having unsuccessfully checked the net for a 
suitable IDL description, I'm taking a shot at writing one myself, and I have a couple 
questions. (If I ever get this into a usable form, I'll notify you all.)

First, judging from the DCE grammar it looks like you can't specify attributes for 
constants. In a constant definition like

  const char *XNCursor = "cursor";

will H/Direct figure out the right interpretation for char *?

Do I need to specify an attribute (ref, ptr, unique, ..) for every occurrence of a * 
type in a struct field, or is there a default? The user manual seems to imply that 
translation of char * types default to [string], but I didn't see any mention of this 
in my perusal of the DCE spec. The technical report on H/Direct mentions a "pointer 
default" in connection with the internal translation into core IDL; the DCE spec 
mentions that you can set a pointer default by setting it on an interface. What about 
at top level? Is the default just [ptr] for non-char * cases?

There is a function which takes an argument that is a pointer to an allocated struct, 
and deallocates it. What is the correct annotation for this behavior?

xlib.h has a macro:

  #define Bool int

Is it safe to translate this as

  typedef boolean Bool;

? Apparently the "recommended" C-translation for boolean is char...

Finally, any ideas on how to handle callbacks...? Any other special provisos or advice 
on dealing with Xlib?


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