Malcolm Wallace:
I seriously hope the plan is to move all *core* libraries (including
GHC's cabal repo) etc over to git, too.

  * one build system
  * one vcs
This is a chance to make a big step towards accessibility, let's make that step.

Ultimately, I don't think git would make ghc any more accessible to new contributors. Darcs is not especially offputting to any beginner who already knows something about VCS in general.

What the move to git is about, is making life easier for the *existing* HQ and core contributors. Evaluate it on that basis, and not in terms of unknown (and unknowable) benefits to current non- contributors. Indeed, you should also consider how many contributors you might lose in a move.

I am not advocating to move. I am just saying, if ghc moves, every component needs to move on which the HEAD build depends and that is needed in its current development form (eg, *not* alex, happy, cabal).

I do hear some significant current contributors having doubts. I can certainly appreciate that having to run 2 VCS in parallel might be confusing and simply make matters worse than at present.

It is confusing and it is going to make matters worse as two failure points are worse than one. And two extra tools to learn worse than one.

The libraries question is a difficult one. We have made a lot of effort over the last 5 years to build infrastructure and code that is shared and portable across multiple implementations of the language. Is this the time to fork those supposedly "common" core libraries into ghc versions vs the rest?

It would be a pity to fork, but to be honest, I'd rather fork the libs than have to use two vcs for GHC. The only other alternative is to decouple more library releases from ghc releases.


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