Simon, I think you are continuing to move forward admirably on this. Thank
you for contributing my suggestion to the wiki. I just edited the wiki with
some more commentary. In particular I added:

Frege has a detailed explanation of the semantics of its record
implementation, and the language is *very* similar to Haskell. Lets just
start by using Frege's document as the proposal. We can start a new wiki
page as discussions are needed.

As previously stated on this thread, the Frege user manual is available
see Sections 3.2 (primary expressions) and 4.2.1 (Algebraic Data type
Declaration - Constructors with labeled fields)

To all those concerned about Records: look at the Frege implementation and
poke holes in it. We only want critiques about
* achieving name-spacing right now
* implementing it in such a way that extensible records could be
implemented in its place in the future, although we will not allow that
discussion to hold up a records implementation now, just possibly modify
things slightly.

Greg Weber

On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 2:00 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones

> | The lack of response, I believe, is just a lack of anyone who
> | can cut through all the noise and come up with some
> | practical way to move forward in one of the many possible
> | directions.
> You're right.  But it is very telling that the vast majority of responses
> on
> were not about the subject (leadership) but rather on suggesting yet more,
> incompletely-specified solutions to the original problem.  My modest
> attempt to build a consensus by articulating the simplest solution I could
> think of, manifestly failed.
> The trouble is that I just don't have the bandwidth (or, if I'm honest,
> the motivation) to drive this through to a conclusion. And if no one else
> does either, perhaps it isn't *that* important to anyone.  That said, it
> clearly is *somewhat* important to a lot of people, so doing nothing isn't
> very satisfactory either.
> Usually I feel I know how to move forward, but here I don't.
> Simon
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