On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 8:45 AM, Joachim Breitner

> ./Control/Applicative.hs
> ./Control/Arrow.hs
> ./Control/Category.hs
> ./Control/Monad/Fix.hs
> ./Control/Monad.hs
> ./Data/Bits.hs
> ./Data/Bool.hs
> ./Data/Either.hs
> ./Data/Eq.hs
> ./Data/Foldable.hs
> ./Data/Function.hs
> ./Data/Functor.hs
> ./Data/Int.hs
> ./Data/List.hs
> ./Data/Maybe.hs
> ./Data/Monoid.hs
> ./Data/Ord.hs
> ./Data/Ratio.hs
> ./Data/Traversable.hs
> ./Data/Tuple.hs
> ./Data/Typeable.hs
> ./Data/Typeable.hs-boot
> ./Data/Typeable/Internal.hs
> ./Data/Typeable/Internal.hs-boot
> ./dist/build/autogen/Paths_base_pure.hs
> ./GHC/Base.lhs
> ./GHC/Char.hs
> ./GHC/Enum.lhs
> ./GHC/Err.lhs
> ./GHC/Err.lhs-boot
> ./GHC/Exception.lhs
> ./GHC/Fingerprint.hs
> ./GHC/Fingerprint/Type.hs
> ./GHC/Int.hs
> ./GHC/List.lhs
> ./GHC/Num.lhs
> ./GHC/Real.lhs
> ./GHC/Show.lhs
> ./GHC/Word.hs
> ./Prelude.hs (contains just $!)
> ./Unsafe/Coerce.hs

That's great. I'm curious  I was under the impression that it was hard to
split out a pure subset as functions might call 'error' (e.g. due to
incomplete pattern matches) and that would pull in the whole I/O subsystem.
How did you avoid that?

-- Johan
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