On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Joachim Breitner

> Hi,
> Am Donnerstag, den 14.02.2013, 13:19 -0800 schrieb Johan Tibell:
> > That's great. I'm curious  I was under the impression that it was hard
> > to split out a pure subset as functions might call 'error' (e.g. due
> > to incomplete pattern matches) and that would pull in the whole I/O
> > subsystem. How did you avoid that?
> as mentioned before: By crippling GHC.Fingerprint. error foo just calls
> raise (ErrorCall foo), which calls "raise# (SomeException (ErrorCall
> foo)". The problem is that the definition of SomeException pulls in the
> Exception type class, which pulls in Typeable, which pulls in
> GHC.Fingerprint, which uses FFI and IO code to to fingerprinting...

I don't think having FFI far down the stack is a problem. There are lots of
pure data types we'd like in the "pure data" layer (e.g. bytestring) that
uses FFI. As long as the I/O layer itself (System.IO, the I/O manager, etc)
doesn't get pulled in there's no real problem in depending on the FFI.
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